As you know, regular car maintenance is very important for the life of your car. Oil changes, air filter replacements, tire pressure, and many other factors can affect the life of your engine, your gas mileage, and much more. In addition, your engine has many belts that need to be changed on a regular basis. Belts naturally become worn over time and if one snaps, it can cause major damage to your engine. One such belt is your drive belt, a component of your vehicle that is necessary for it to operate. At Hendrick Honda Easley near Pickens, South Carolina, our service team is highly trained in recognizing when a belt needs to be changed. If it does, they have the experience to do the quality work you want for your car.
You’ve probably heard about timing belts, drive belts, and serpentine belts over the years as it pertains to your car. While “serpentine belt” is simply another term for a drive belt, your timing belt is a completely different component of your car altogether. Your drive belt is responsible for many parts of your car. There is a lot of stress placed on your drive belt, and it can become stripped, cracked, or lose tension with time, which is why you should have yours checked regularly.
On the other hand, timing belts, which can also wear down, are important for your car’s internal combustion system.
Typically, you do not need to have your drive belt replaced very often. Most experts will suggest you have yours changed every 50,000 miles, depending on your car. Check your owner’s manual or ask one of the expert technicians in our service center to see if you are due for a replacement. Here are some signs that your drive belt may be wearing down:
If you are experiencing any of these issues, schedule an appointment with our service center at Hendrick Honda Easley near Pickens, SC, immediately.
At Hendrick Honda Easley, our highly-skilled technicians have experience with driving belts just like yours. Bring your car in to our team at Hendrick Honda Easley near Pickens, South Carolina, today.